. Lack of resources for characterization and the indiscriminate crossbreeding of cattle in Africa have led to the loss
of some breeds. This study was aimed at screening for polymorphic primers for cattle breed identification in Zimbabwe.
The Nguni and other local breeds have suffered genetic losses due to indiscriminate crossbreeding. Genetic characterization
and semen cryopreservation are important in conservation and breeding programs. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole
blood using a DNA extraction kit and was amplified using RAPD-PCR. A total of 8 primers was screened and five (OPX-15,
OPB-04, 0PG-07, OPG-12 and OPD-02) were polymorphic and three (OPD-01, OPB-05 and OPB-09) were monomorphic,
as revealed by agarose gel electrophoresis. RAPD-PCR was found to be effective in detecting the polymorphisms within the
bovine species. The polymorphic primers can be used to determine genotype variations in crossbred animals to determine
genotype variations in different breeds.